


Author: Howard Ehmke

Making Land Surveys by Cunnyngham

New Signals, New Launches, and Faulty GPS Receivers

GPS World: New Signals, New Launches, and Faulty GPS Receivers

Next Generation of GPS

New GPS Signals

The government is in the process of fielding three new signals designed for civilian use: L2C, L5, and L1C. The legacy civil signal, called L1 C/A or C/A at L1, will continue broadcasting in the future, for a total of four civil GPS signals. Users must upgrade their equipment to benefit from the new signals.

You Tube & Jobs in Mobile LiDAR

R&D of Mobile LiDAR Mapping and Future Trends

3D for Infrastructure

Mobile LiDAR Consider the Benefits

Senate Bill 1094 - Global Positioning System (GPS)

IGSO 2008 GPS issues

E-GVAP - EUMETNET GPS Water Vapour Programme


Setting up in practice - tips for surveyors

Professional Land Surveyors' Act (Effective 1/1/2015)

Guide to Engineering & Land Surveying

Business Practices for Surveyors, Iain GREENWAY, Ireland

United States Supreme Court Revisits Land Use Law in Recent Ruling

General Overview of Riparian Rights in Florida

Property Rights - Orange County

Vertical Datum and NAVD 88

by Petr Vanicek

Modernizing the Geopotential Datum - Replacing NAVD88

Seismic Airgun Surveys

ESRI for Surveying

What's new for CAD integration in ArcGIS 10

NGAC v10 Datum presentation

New Geometric Datum


Accurate Elevations for Sea Level Change Sentinel Sites

January/February 2014 National Geodetic Survey- NOAA

SURV322 Hydrographic Surveying

Degrees of success: Meeting professional standards through distance e-learning

A thought


Latest Innovation in CADD

Surveying 1 – Introduction to Leveling Australian style

Make a 3D-scanner

Mine Mapping

Bridge Surveying - 3D Laser Scan

Geodetic Surveying 1940-1990

Licensed Profession or Licensed Trade – The 4-year degree’s impact on surveying by Dave Gibson

Perspective on the Future of the Surveying Profession (2011)

USGS Global Positioning Application and Practice

To Translate Bentley GEOPAK and Bentley InRoads Files to Files that Can Be Used in AutoCAD Civil 3D

What is an AutoCad suface XML File?

How can Drones transform Surveying

Footsteps Magazine

Automation of Surveying Creates Disruption and Opportunities

USGS Global Navigation Satellite System

USACE Survey Monument Archival & Retrieval Tool

What's Important To Clients? It's All About Trust

Georgia Housing and Finance Authority

Real Estate Due Diligence 101

USGS Publications Warehouse


U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

5F, LLC v. Robert Dresing

Advisory Legal Opinion - AGO 90-37


2009 Supreme Court case on Mean High water

National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer

NOAA Shoreline Website

US Air Force to Launch New GPS Satellite Tonight

Atlas 5 rock carries new GPS satellite into Space

Trimble Introduces Compact OEM GNSS UHF Receiver Module

Trimble Introduces Compact OEM GNSS UHF Receiver Module for High-Accuracy Positioning.

Survey News

FAA Loses UAV Case to Texas Based Search & Rescue

Florida Senate votes unanimously to restrict drones

Florida Senate votes unanimously to restrict drones

Florida Police Drones

Florida Police Drones: House Committee Unanimously Passes New Bill Restricting Use

History of Orange County, FL

Abandoned, or extinguished?

74 F. 3d 1240 - Belka v. Penn Central Corporation
Abandoned, or extinguished.

Report of the Secretary of the Interior

Best iPhone Apps that Measure Elevation

Improved access to land survey records and monuments

Survey monuments and the Law

Interesting use of the Laser Scanning for recreating the battlefield beaches and bunkers

The story of the Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, when Allied forces launched an all-or-nothing
attack on Nazi-occupied Europe via five heavily defended French beaches.

The documentary makes use of LiDAR technology to recreate the landscape; and focuses on a five-hour period on Omaha beach.
It also offers micro and macro views of the assault, detailing the experiences of individual soldiers
while also pulling back to provide a big picture of the battle.

The Silliness of Borders - USA & Canada

Tide Stations within the US

NOAA Historical Shoreline Survey Viewer

Use the Google Maps portion you can make their map transparent on current photography and download the maps, add a world file and plot it on your map.

Examples of Land Surveyors in the Bible by William D. Hatfield

Resources Related to the Florida Spanish Land Grants

Knud’s Publications

Texas Military Forces utilize sextants and centuries old surveying techniques

What is an “Ordnance Survey”?

Millennials and Baby-boomers

Continents in Collision: Pangea Ultima

What is the difference between NAD83 and NAD83(HARN)?

NAVD 88 is a changing..

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

2013 Chapter 472 Florida Statutes

Florida Historical Topographic Maps

Architectural and Historical survey of High Springs Florida

Osceola County Survey

Florida Geological Survey

Florida East Coast Railway

William J. Krome's Lasting Legacy in South Dade

Land Ordinance of 1785

Guidelines for writing legal descriptions

Quadcopter and Multirotor Resource Site!

It's a bird, it's a plane ... no, it's a drone -- shoot it!

15 ways drones will change your life

Florida's East Coast Canal

A History of Florida's East Coast Canal. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway from Jacksonville to Miami.


Federally Authorized Channels Maintained By The Corps of Engineers

Will drones hover freely over Florida?

Phantom Eye by Boeing

LiDAR Drones

Everglades Restoration A Constitutional Takings Analysis

Brevard County Mosquito Control District v Michael Blasky and Anitia Blasky

MacNamara v. Kissimmee River Valley Sportsman Ass’n

Surveyor’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Fixing Uncertain Boundary Lines

Fixing Uncertain Boundary Lines from the New Jersey State Bar Association

Quasi-judicial Functions of the Land Surveyor

Leveling a Nation


Bottles, Pots, and Pans

Preflight Turbulence for Commercial Drones

Glossary of BLM Terms

Worst job in history?

AUVSI what is it?

Florida Surveyor - Rewriting Job Description

NCEES President's Award - Dr. Gibson

Contractor's Guide to Minimum Standards

I thought this article was well written and contained a good background of GPS derived vertical values along the Louisiana Coast, minimum standards, pre-planning, field procedure, establishing permanent deep rod monuments and more.


FLA. Chapter 70.001 Private property right protection

GIS Mapping at the Texas GLO

Washington State Definitions

The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2

Fort Montgomery Lake Champlain & Richelieu River Rouses Point

OPUS Published Solutions (Sort of a Bluebooking for dummies)

VERTCON Download

National Adjustment of 2011 Project

GNSS Surveying Technologies for the Future

Young Surveyors vision for the Future of the Surveying Profession

Possible Future Technological Developments for Boundary Surveying

The Future of Land Surveying is Now. Are You Prepared For It?

Puerto Rico Vertical Datum

Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 (PRVD02) has been published for the entire island.

The leveling data has been loaded into the NGS database.

Found Henry Washington Post

Recently on map of the week you asked if anyone knew of an existing Henry Washington post. We have had string of projects lately bordering along lines run by Henry Washington, and have had great success in retracing his positions along his lines. The past few weeks we have been working on a project along the Polk/Hillsborough County line and found the remains of one of his post so I though I would share some photos with you since you asked. We originally looked for the witness trees finding the two small tree remains in the photos. These two trees were kind of wimpy looking and the other two tree positions fell in the pavement so we were unable to investigate the other two positions. After rechecking Henry's notes these trees were noted as 8' pines (glad he recorded that information) at the time he surveyed this line in 1842. So we decided to see if we could find any post evidence to confirm our location. The area we were working in was adjacent to an old road grade that had swales cut down what appeared to be several feet from the apparent natural ground, so we were not very hopeful. But to our surprise we found the bottom portion of the light wood post remains just below the surface. Unfortunately we only found the bottom portion of the post since the area had been previously cut down for the swale.

It was raining off and on most of the day so that's why we were dressed like the man from snowy river- we don't typically dress in period clothing during our retracement work only when it is raining, although maybe we should if it helps.

Surveying Antiques

The Professional Status of Land Surveyors

The Professional Status of Land Surveyors by Curtis Brown in 1961, does it apply today?


Facts you should know about having your land surveyed

San Diego Grand Jury Issues Report on City Survey Practices

Helping Surveyors Remember the Past

The Parcel Map with No Monuments

Theodolte iPhone App

Sand Diego Grand Jury Issues Report on City Survey Practices

Validated Corner Record

They are “Validated Corner Record” .
It gives original source, chaining Index factors,
True Bearings and relation to other corners.
A well-documented record.



Surveying - A Life Without Limits

Very interesting video on the Surveying Profession thought it worth sharing.

This maybe be from Australia, but I think they got the concepts and their message is right on the mark. The title is perfect and says a lot about what our profession should be projecting to the public at large and what the possibilities are.

CCR - SE S35 T22S R32E

I believe this is the first actual monument I’ve seen that is still in existence.


Error, Accuracy, and Precision

Sea, Shore, and More

Integration of Bathometric and Topographic LiDAR

Bathometry LiDAR (Wiggins CHART)

Green LiDAR

Trails of the Mesoamericans in Lakkin Itza (Florida)

The “Weight” of Monument Placement

ExpressMap—The End of Surveying?

AutoCAD Computer Virus May Impact Your Firm's Ability to Exchange Digital Data

1934 Drainage Districts

The Impact of Topographic Mapping of Developments in Land and Air Survey

Surveying Antiques Photo Gallery

Corpscon for Windows 7

Windows 7:
Windows 7 users have had success by:
- Right click on the Corpscon.exe file
- Click on "Troubleshoot Compatibility"
- Click on "Try Recommended Settings"
- Click in "Start the Program"
Installation Procedures


Corpscon6_update File - This file should be downloaded only if you have a downloaded Corpscon prior to April 26, 2005. If the install files were downloaded after April 26, 2005, then they already include the corrected files. To install this update, extract these files to the directory in which Corpscon 6.0 was installed. If the default installation was used, this directory is 'C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\'. If prompted, overwrite the existing files in the directory. You cannot run Corpscon with this zip file alone. You must have already downloaded one of the distributions listed below.

Issues Resolved:
4/26/05 - Error in resolving certain USNG zones. Unit conversion problem when using International Feet in Vertical conversions.

There are five Corpscon setup (install) files:
1. corpscon_complete.exe (104 MB, 140 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon data files, including Alaska (don’t recommend this without high speed connection and still might take a while)
2. corpscon_conus_geoxx.exe (84 MB, 115 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
3. corpscon_conus_geo03.exe (42 MB, 60 MB installed) - installs only the Geoid03 and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
4. corpscon_base_alaska.exe (7 MB, 20 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files), including Alaska
5. corpscon_base_conus.exe ( 6 MB, 19 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files) within CONUS only.

To install Corpscon, run corpscon_*.exe (* = one of the options listed above) from CD or from the directory on the local hard disk where the program was downloaded. Follow the prompts in the setup program to complete installation. Geoid, Vertcon, and other data files may be downloaded separately and copied to the appropriate directory by following the program directory structure listed below if downloading an install file other than the complete (first option above).

US and Mexican Boundary Survey

The 1910 Manual of Underground Surveying

Underground Mine Surveying

Underground Surveying

NGS Survey Data Explorer


British Army WW1 Trench Maps

Surveying Evidence and Procedures

At the end of this presentation Mr. Lucas give exerts from the following case:

District Court of the Virgin Islands,
Division of St. Thomas and St. John
Newfound Management Corporation v Irvin A. Sewer 885F. Supp. 727; 1995

The Surveyor’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Description of the Week

Read Parcel II of the attached description and determine which set of bearings to follow. Deed.pdf



Order vs Chaos

Entropy (order and disorder)

Ground Penetrating Radar

NGS - CORS Network Update

Geodesy, Datums, Map Projections, and Coordinate Systems

The National Geodetic Survey Improves the National Spatial Reference System

The NGS Improves the National Spatial Reference System with Simultaneous Major Product Releases

The Skinny Triangle

Rights of Way

Easements including Dominant vs. Servient status

Windows 7 ftp site fix

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button, right click on Computer and choose open.

2. Right-click anywhere in the folder, and then click Add a Network Location.

3. In the wizard, click next then select Choose a custom network location, and then click Next.

4. Enter the name of the FTP site, with the full FTP:// in front of it, and then click Next.

5. To use a name and password, clear the Log on anonymously check box. Type a user name, and then click Next.

6. To have the FTP site open when you're done setting up the shortcut, just click Next. If you do not want the FTP site to open after you're done setting up the shortcut, clear the Open this network location when I click Finish check box. Click Finish.

7. A shortcut to the FTP site appears in the Computer folder. You can drag that shortcut to your desktop so that it's easy to find later.

Drone Surveying


When is a canal or Lake a monument?

“This dispute stems from the language used in the deed.”


How did the Southern States get the name 'Dixie'?

Finding the courage to say "NO"

Best practices for a very large survey

Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers

USGS Maps, Imagery, and Publications

History of the Spanish Land Grants

Florida Map Library of Congress

Seminole County Survey Department

Location Guide to the GLO Survey Plats

Florida Online Mapping and Image Data

Meandering: A View of Instructions

“History Corner: Meandering: A View of Instructions”
by Joe Knetsch, Ph.D.

Ordinary High Water Line

Where did the wording of the definition of “Ordinary High Water Line” come from?

It came from two Federal Cases:
Howard v. Ingersoll, 54 US 381 (1851)
The Borough of Ford City v U.S. 345F .2d. 645 (1965)

Why some old school Methods Die Hard

Why a Surveyor

Surveyor General Map 1859

Little TownMart

History of Early Settlements

National Museum of Surveying

Thomas Jefferson, Land Surveyor

What is the PLSS?

Survey Says?

Application for Identifying Trees

Restoration of Lost or Obliterated Corners

Restoration of Lost or Obliterated Corners & Subdivision of Sections a guide for Surveyors.

Survey Monuments and The Law

by Chuck Karayan, L.S.

Survey Monument Conservation

an informational brochure of California Land Surveyors Association.

Survey for Quake Effects

Washington Monument Surveyed for Quake Effects.
How do you do that?

What is RTN?

Young surveyors learn to measure up...

Past is Prologue: Young surveyors learn to measure up on 1907–08 Patuxent cruise

Who named Devil’s Tower

Who named Devil’s Tower? A surveyor of course.

Great Jacksonville Fire of 1901

Hurricane Photos

Florida Flights of Fancy

Florida Cattle Ranching

60" Cypress Tree

Note the tie to a 60” cypress tree


Volume 271 Page 660-697

Read the note on Page 684

G.L.O. accepts Collier monuments

Florida Memories

State Archives of Florida