1Corpscon version 6 available at



The US Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District added a grid that utilizes the CERP Geodetic Monuments in South Florida, follow Mr. Jeff Navaille’s (SAJ CofE) instructions below:

1) Unzip and copy these files to: C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\Vertcon


2) When you open Corpscon ver. 6.0.1, go to the set up screen and click on the vertcon tab. Click the radio button on "Custom Vertcon Data Set", and navigate to and select "vertcon.txt".

3) Now for me, this is where it gets interesting, because even though you have selected the customized grid file, it will not use this customized file in the calculations, even though it says its using it in the header of the output file!

4) Here's where I exit the program and then start it up again...try it.


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