


Archive: February 2012

Location of Fort Boise

Idaho State Historical Society reference series
Location of Fort Boise

Traversing the Law: The Alabama rule


Auburn Land Surveying

Records of the Bureau of Land Management

Rules of the Game: Establishing Property Lines

NOAA Corbin Training Center

NOAA's Corbin Training Center offers classes online and at the training center on OPUS Projects. manager training for Geodetic Digital Leveling, and many more.

Past Classes and their presentations

and Upcoming Classes

Surveyors, Cartographers, Photogrammetrists, and Surveying and Mapping Technicians

Measuring the World Around Us

Bachelor Education in Land Surveying and Mapping in Puerto Rico

Surveying in Texas

Their standard unit of measurement is the vara (33 1/3”). They also use a League, a Labor, a Sitio in their descriptions. What is most interesting is that land was formed under Spanish Law(1720-1821), then Mexican law(1821-1836), then Texas as a Sovereign Nation(1836-1845), then as part of the US. With each change they respected the previous laws so when you look at a deed, you have to see what year it was granted.

-Derek Zeman

Withalacoochee State Forest

These areas have some evidence of cypress logging but I beleive many of the trees are very old like the attached live oak pic taken last year.

-Joe Stokes

Witness Trees

What Is A Land Surveyor?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Land Surveying 101