Windows 7:
Windows 7 users have had success by:
- Right click on the Corpscon.exe file
- Click on "Troubleshoot Compatibility"
- Click on "Try Recommended Settings"
- Click in "Start the Program"
Installation Procedures


Corpscon6_update File - This file should be downloaded only if you have a downloaded Corpscon prior to April 26, 2005. If the install files were downloaded after April 26, 2005, then they already include the corrected files. To install this update, extract these files to the directory in which Corpscon 6.0 was installed. If the default installation was used, this directory is 'C:\Program Files\Corpscon6\'. If prompted, overwrite the existing files in the directory. You cannot run Corpscon with this zip file alone. You must have already downloaded one of the distributions listed below.

Issues Resolved:
4/26/05 - Error in resolving certain USNG zones. Unit conversion problem when using International Feet in Vertical conversions.

There are five Corpscon setup (install) files:
1. corpscon_complete.exe (104 MB, 140 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon data files, including Alaska (don’t recommend this without high speed connection and still might take a while)
2. corpscon_conus_geoxx.exe (84 MB, 115 MB installed) - installs all the Geoid and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
3. corpscon_conus_geo03.exe (42 MB, 60 MB installed) - installs only the Geoid03 and Vertcon files for conversions within CONUS
4. corpscon_base_alaska.exe (7 MB, 20 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files), including Alaska
5. corpscon_base_conus.exe ( 6 MB, 19 MB installed) - installs only the files for horizontal conversions (no Geoid or Vertcon data files) within CONUS only.

To install Corpscon, run corpscon_*.exe (* = one of the options listed above) from CD or from the directory on the local hard disk where the program was downloaded. Follow the prompts in the setup program to complete installation. Geoid, Vertcon, and other data files may be downloaded separately and copied to the appropriate directory by following the program directory structure listed below if downloading an install file other than the complete (first option above).


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