1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button, right click on Computer and choose open.

2. Right-click anywhere in the folder, and then click Add a Network Location.

3. In the wizard, click next then select Choose a custom network location, and then click Next.

4. Enter the name of the FTP site, with the full FTP:// in front of it, and then click Next.

5. To use a name and password, clear the Log on anonymously check box. Type a user name, and then click Next.

6. To have the FTP site open when you're done setting up the shortcut, just click Next. If you do not want the FTP site to open after you're done setting up the shortcut, clear the Open this network location when I click Finish check box. Click Finish.

7. A shortcut to the FTP site appears in the Computer folder. You can drag that shortcut to your desktop so that it's easy to find later.


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